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MURRAY & LANMAN Florida Water

MURRAY & LANMAN Florida Water

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The Original Florida Water made by Murray, Lanman and Kemp company has been famously used for nearly two centuries. The stimulating citrus & floral scent of this cologne is will dazzle and freshen up any space 🍊



🍊 To relieve feet, especially aches and pains. ✨ >> Submerge feet in a tub of warm water & a splash of Florida Water in to provide an immediate relief to sore feet ✨

💧Use In A Spray Bottle Diluted With Water To Clear
Environment and Welcome Positivity To Your Space.

🍊Apply after make-up removal to cleanse skin >> dilute with water for fresh and smooth skin

💧Add To Your Laundry To Soften Clothing 

🍊 When you have a cold, apply to a tissue & inhale the fragrance to decrease headaches and stuffiness 

💧 Use in a spraying bottle to eliminate odors from your kitchen & bathroom. Also freshen humid environments.

💧Wipe Down Your Doors, Windows, Desk, Work
Station & Floors

💧Use a few drops in your dresser drawer to give your clothes a pleasing & fresh aroma.

💧Dab on a cotton ball, wipe behind ears and through your scalp to fight itchiness & prevent dandruff.

💧Splash on body to relax muscles after exercise.
💧 Apply compresses with Florida Water to your forehead and abdomen to alleviate fever symptoms.

💧 Use Diluted Florida Water to soften your beard. Florida Water allows for a smooth shave while reducing skin irritation.

💧Helps reduce the swelling from non-poisonous insect bites. Apply to affected areas and you’ll immediately feel the neutralizing & anti-inflammatory benefits 

Ideal For Anyone Who Feels As If They Have Negative
Energy Around Them. Florida Water Can Clear Any Low Vibrations.

🤎Add to your laundry to cleanse clothing and for refreshing scent plus a extra layer of protection.
🤎 Bring peace into the workplace by using Florida
Water in your Office and Work Space.
🤎 Wash your hands with Florida Water after engaging with negative people or being in a negative environment.
🤎Can Be Used To Banish Negativity 

🤎Clean Tools

🤎Wipe Down Altar

🤎 Florida Water Can Also Help With Attracting Love & Unblocking Obstacles Related To A Current Relationship. ✨ Add a few drops along with rose in
a bowl & set beside your bed.
>>  Light a red Attraction Candle or Our PURE LOVE INTENTION CANDLE while focusing your goals ✨ 

CAUTION ⚠️ Florida Water is flammable &
should never be placed directly on a candle or too
close to a flame 🔥 

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